Your right to be proud in the progress America has made, and be bestowed…

Your right to be proud in the progress America has made, and be bestowed sovereign dividends with the blessings of liberty

[[[thn\ …frig/ ?>*:\ …//2015 01 18 240*? 225*! 12 37 SUNDAY 180* 16 37 SUNDAY [thnk\\]]]]

2015 01 17 SATURDAY Response to President Obama Twitter State of the Union announcement screen recording.

“From the ten letters from constituents BHO reads each day, who of them are going to be invited to the State of the Union Address.

Silver sub shop got a small business loan; xref: “Sub-mission” “ONLY to…”

Student loan payback schedules are to be lowered to a percentage of income earned by the student making it easier to make payments (but with no change in interest rates that will mean paying for a longer period of time)

A soldier who served in Afghanistan and came home in a wheel chair is the proud father of a new baby girl”

ERRORS AND ADDENDUMS: Please attribute the quote, “We all can be proud of the progress America has made,” to President Barack Obama. Also, please read, “…for as along as the one, 100% independent self sufficiency shall permit interstellar space to sustain us,” for “…as long as interstellar space shall permit,”

“‘All of us have a right to be proud of the progress America has made.’ And to share in the sovereign estate planning net present value thereof,” —President Obama – as quoted and upgraded by Candidate William Hale http://repent forgive seek and accept forgiveness and the forgiven 2 . wordpress . com (no spaces)

“All of us have a right to be proud of the progress America has made.” —President Obama

  • “Sub-mission” “ONLY to…” Endow students, don’t indenture students,” “Afghanistan births side by side with US births” UN

    Screen Shot 2015-01-17 at 17.00.32

    Screen Shot 2015-01-17 at 17.05.32

    Screen Shot 2015-01-17 at 17.06.31

    Your right to be proud …and share

    Your right to be proud …and paid unearned income

    Your right to be proud …and paid “unearned” income

    Your right to be proud …and paid dividends

    Your right to be proud …and inherit sovereign dividends

    Your right to be proud …and receive the bestowal of sovereign dividends

    Your right to be proud in the progress America has made, and be bestowed sovereign dividends with [[thnk\\]] the blessings of liberty

    Your right to be proud in the progress America has made, and be bestowed sovereign dividends with the blessings of liberty [Mekkah walks behind the chair and looks at the bedding wet from the second wudu today after return from the bike ride. “Here, you want a dryer bed?” Who removes the wet, gray bedding cover CS provided upon return from Maine, and put the blue sleeping bag found in the trash after Christmas over the bed instead with the J. Press, or whose, dress coat with the smooth inner lining as a pillow ?>*:\ …//2015 01 18 185*? 195* 12 20 SUNDAY 180* 13 20 SUNDAY]

    Your right to be proud in the progress America has made, and be bestowed sovereign dividends with the blessings of liberty

    ?>*:\ …//2015 01 18 195*?! 12 49 SUNDAY 180* 13 49 SUNDAY

    Screen Shot 2015-01-17 at 17.27.45

    “From Scared Amateur to Paris Slaughterer”

    By Rukmini Callimachi and Jim Yardley

    =================Null Hypothesis:

    ?>*:\ …//2015 01 18 195*?! 12 49 SUNDAY 180* 13 49 SUNDAY

    NOTE: – A1 headline “Slaughterer” echos the “‘be bestowed’ sovereign dividends” double ‘be’ sound of whose minimalist headline to take the gift of the emotional welcoming created by you, BHO, re: “You have the right to be proud of the progress America has made,” and [thn\ ?>*:\ ..//2015 01 18 210* 12 17 SUNDAY 180* 14 17 SUNDAY] and tie it [thnk\]… into tangible benefits as well as the intangible ‘pride’.

    Deeper reading links ‘Proud’ to ‘Gay pride’ and your sub-text agenda on behalf of the gay & bi-gender & transgender oriented people whom you champion much the way Dr. Rev. MLK championed rights for African Americans. “You have the right to be proud…” is the case coming before the US Supreme Court soon which may legalize gay marriage in all 50 states. “…in the progress America has made,” xref: “‘I’m in,’ HRC quoting you, JL, and later that day, ‘I’m in to win,’,” ‘the’ xref: ‘of or belonging to God’, ‘progress’; xref: Pilgrim’s Progress; xref: “The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism” and current task of shedding Puritan sexual repression while keeping the “higher love” aspects in tact with the new openness America..

    Actually the quote was, “We all have a right to be proud in the progress America has made,” xref: whose voice mail regarding whose conviction for possession of ‘d-LSD-25’ [Mekkah looks at the desk, touches an external memory unit, heads for the door and shakes ?>*:\ …//2015 01 18 210* 12 24 SUNDAY 180* 14 24 SUNDAY] – without intention to distribute – left at your office or foundation, yesterday, FRIDAY, HRC. Note ‘A’ is a nick-name for d-LSD-25. [[thn\]] so, “We all have a…” could produce a wry smile among people in the know.

    “We all have a right to be proud in the progress America has made,” was the quote in the text of the tweet, but it did not appear anywhere in the video embedded in the tweet.

    [[Mekkah makes a small woof and paws the door “OK, Mekkah, Ok]

    P.S. David Wallin1 second ago

    FAILED TO TEST THE VOLUME WELL ENOUGH BEFORE MAKING THE FINAL RECORDING. Should have had the volume slider on the twitter video up higher. Evidently the Apple microphone is not as sensitive to screen speaker as the human ear…For a transcript and corrections – please visit

    screen collage similar Screen Shot 2015-01-17 at 17.29.01 (2)

    see the theater article photos look like the youtube video who made Screen Shot 2015-01-17 at 17.37.22 (2)

    Note how A1 image collage and article image both have collage patterns like the home made video response to President Barack Obama.


    Meanwhile, in at

    Strong light on face vs. dark light on face here Screen Shot 2015-01-17 at 17.34.24

    You, Willard Mitt Romney (WMR) have your face well lighted in regards to your press conference on the USS Midway publicly docked in San Diego area; xref: you, JNH; xref: [thn\ ?>*:\ …//2015 01 18 210*? ! 12 10 SUNDAY 180* 14 10 SUNDAY] xref: Philly sub shop; xref: “Silver Submarine Sandwich Shop small business loan”



    ] Haley - timelinephotos Facebook; xref- your dog named Haley, who Screen Shot 2015-01-17 at 10.54.41

    Search result echos name of your dog, “Haley’, who.


    ?>*:\ …//2015 01 8 225* 12 44 SUNDAY 180* 16 44 SUNDAY

    Screen Shot 2015-01-17 at 19.43.16>

    “From Scared Amateur to Paris Slaughterer”, now reads, “How an Amateur Became a Ruthless Jihadist in France”

    xref: “Jihad by Salat” – the art and science of finding a prayer spot, combined with making your voluntary arrival and departure prayers, leads to ecologic, sociologic, and political revelations about the trust network (s) within which you move.


My name is William Hale, aka, haji Mohammed A. Omar, currently posting here under the name, "Petawatt Wall"

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